Are you all or nothing?

All or nothing? Something I have heard 3 times just today!

If you keep telling yourself you are 'all or nothing' then you always will be. Pay attention to what you say to yourself and how you speak to yourself.

You do not have to be perfect to see results. You can see progress by sticking to basic principles and not beating yourself up just because you had a chocolate bar. Chocolate or other 'bad foods' are not the enemy! Sometimes you are your own worst enemy and many times it's because you are afraid of your goals, afraid you can't reach them, afraid to try, afraid of what others will think, especially if you fail.

But the thing is, you cannot fail if you never give up, right?

I want to see you never give up. Take imperfect action, be imperfect, embrace your imperfectness, because you will not and do not need to be perfect.

You are not 'all or nothing' you just don't yet know how to be consistent with something, to learn to trust the process or to trust your coach.

We help you build a bulletproof mindset AND a super strong body, so you can never give up on your dreams.

Find out more about my coaching services here


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